Design and implement role-playing dimensions – Model the data

Design and implement role-playing dimensions In some cases, there may be more than one way to filter a fact table by a dimension. In the Wide World Importers example, the Sale table has two date columns: Invoice Date Key and Delivery Date Key, both of which can be related to the Date column from the […]

Line and area charts – Visualize and analyze the data

Line and area charts Power BI has a line chart and two types of area charts: These charts have the following common field wells: Area charts are similar to the line chart but have a shaded area under the lines. Additionally, the line and area charts have the Secondary values field well, which allows you […]

Funnel – Visualize and analyze the data

Funnel The funnel chart is like a bar chart with bars centered, and it has three field wells: When you hover over a categorical item in a funnel chart, you see a tooltip with the proportion that category makes up of the first and previous items. It also shows the size of the last item […]

Create a common date table – Model the data

Create a common date table By default, Power BI creates a calendar hierarchy for each date or date/time column from your data sources. Need More Review? Auto Date/Time Hierarchies For detailed considerations and limitations of the auto date/time feature, see “Auto date/time guidance in Power BI Desktop” at While these can be useful in […]

Creating tables that are based on data from different data sources – Model the data

Creating tables that are based on data from different data sources Sometimes—for example, when creating a bridge table—you may need to extract distinct values from more than one table because the distinct values may be different in different tables. In that case, you’d need to take distinct values from both tables, and if they come […]

Create hierarchies – Model the data

Create hierarchies Power BI allows you to group columns into hierarchies, which you can then use in visuals. In our Wide World Importers example, you can create a geographical hierarchy as follows: Go to the Model view. Right-click the Sales Territory column in the City table. Select Create hierarchy. Double-click the newly created hierarchy and […]

Create calculated columns – Model the data

Create calculated columns Calculated columns are columns you create by using DAX. Similar to calculated tables, calculated columns can only use the data already loaded into the model or new data generated by DAX, and they don’t appear in Power Query Editor because they are generated after the data has been loaded into the model. […]

Implement row-level security roles – Model the data

Implement row-level security roles A common business requirement is to secure data so that different users who view the same report can see different subsets of data. In Power BI, this can be accomplished with the feature called row-level security (RLS). Row-level security restricts data by filtering it at the row level, depending on the […]

Viewing as roles in Power BI Desktop – Model the data

Viewing as roles in Power BI Desktop In Power BI Desktop, you can check what the users with specific roles will see even before you publish your report to the Power BI service and assign users to roles. For this, once you have at least one role defined, select View as on the Modeling ribbon […]

Use the Q&A feature – Model the data

Use the Q&A feature Both Power BI Desktop and the Power BI service allow you to create visualizations that provide answers to specific questions. Although this gives you great control over formatting, it won’t work if you have RLS set up and users only have read access to content. Another way to explore data in […]