Design and implement role-playing dimensions – Model the data

Design and implement role-playing dimensions In some cases, there may be more than one way to filter a fact table by a dimension. In the Wide World Importers example, the Sale table has two date columns: Invoice Date Key and Delivery Date Key, both of which can be related to the Date column from the […]

Create reports – Visualize and analyze the data

Skill 3.1: Create reports A Power BI report can be based on only one dataset, and a report may have several pages. Reports can be authored both in Power BI Desktop and the Power BI service. We start this section by reviewing various visualization items and formatting options available for Power BI reports. We also […]

Define a relationship’s cardinality and cross-filter direction – Model the data

Define a relationship’s cardinality and cross-filter direction In the previous section, we looked at how you create relationships between tables. In this section, we review the concepts of cardinality and cross-filter direction of relationships. You can edit a relationship by double-clicking it in the Model view. For example, in Figure 2-4 you can see the […]

Create a common date table – Model the data

Create a common date table By default, Power BI creates a calendar hierarchy for each date or date/time column from your data sources. Need More Review? Auto Date/Time Hierarchies For detailed considerations and limitations of the auto date/time feature, see “Auto date/time guidance in Power BI Desktop” at While these can be useful in […]

Develop a data model – Model the data

Skill 2.2: Develop a data model Data model development refers to enhancements you add to your model after you’ve loaded your data and created relationships between tables. In this section, we review the skills you need to create calculated tables, calculated columns, and hierarchies, and we demonstrate how to configure row-level security for your report […]

Create hierarchies – Model the data

Create hierarchies Power BI allows you to group columns into hierarchies, which you can then use in visuals. In our Wide World Importers example, you can create a geographical hierarchy as follows: Go to the Model view. Right-click the Sales Territory column in the City table. Select Create hierarchy. Double-click the newly created hierarchy and […]

Implement row-level security roles – Model the data

Implement row-level security roles A common business requirement is to secure data so that different users who view the same report can see different subsets of data. In Power BI, this can be accomplished with the feature called row-level security (RLS). Row-level security restricts data by filtering it at the row level, depending on the […]

Viewing as roles in Power BI Desktop – Model the data

Viewing as roles in Power BI Desktop In Power BI Desktop, you can check what the users with specific roles will see even before you publish your report to the Power BI service and assign users to roles. For this, once you have at least one role defined, select View as on the Modeling ribbon […]

Cross filter direction – Model the data

Cross filter direction This option determines the direction in which filters flow. For many-to-one and one-to-many relationships, you can select Single or Both: When editing table relationships, even if you set the relationship cross-filter direction to Both, by default the security filters are only applied in one direction. We noted that there’s an option to […]

Create model calculations by using DAX – Model the data

Skill 2.3: Create model calculations by using DAX You used some DAX earlier in the chapter to create calculated tables and calculated columns as well as configure row-level security. In practice, DAX is most often used to create measures in Power BI. Writing your own formulas is an important skill that allows you to perform […]